Milan Babić

Global Political Economy and Climate Politics

Author: admin

New article on the liberal international order now online

My article on the crisis of the liberal international order is now published online in International Affairs. Here is a link. I made a short Twitter thread summarizing the main points of the paper and pointing to some of the broader implications: see here.The article will be part of the March-volume (96(2)) of International Affairs.

New short piece in International Politics and Society

International Politics and Society (IPS) published my commentary on the recent heated debates about the nature of foreign state investment into Europe and the US, see here. I argue that a geopolitical reading of these developments is not convincing as it ignores the changed nature of state-owned entities over the last decades. Join on Twitter

Join us: SASE mini conference on State-led development & China in Amsterdam

The SASE conference is coming to Amsterdam in 2020! Together with Ilias Alami, Nana de Graaff, and Adam Dixon I will be organizing a mini-conference on “State Capitalism and State-led Development in the 21st Century: China and Beyond”. The mini-conference aims at bringing together scholars from all disciplines and backgrounds in order to advance the

New publication on the liberal international order (forthcoming)

A paper of mine has been recently accepted at International Affairs and will be published in early 2020. You can have a look at the pre-print version of the piece here; and I can send you the final version upon request. The paper for the first time systematically describes the various dimensions of the current

New publication on state capital

A paper I have been writing with Javier Garcia-Bernardo and Eelke Heemskerk is now officially published in Review of International Political Economy. You can find the paper under Publications and the used data under Data. The paper is as always published open access. I would love to hear your feedback, criticism or else: let me

IC2S2 is coming to Amsterdam

Next week, our CORPNET-Team will host the 5th International Conference on Computational Social Science at the University of Amsterdam. The conference brings together social scientists from all over the world that apply computational methods in approaching social phenomena. The program is packed with tutorials, talks and presentations and it promises to be a fantastic 5th

IIPPE conference (Lille)

This Thursday (04.07), I will be in Lille (France) to present ongoing work at the yearly conference of the International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy (IIPPE). The conference program offers a wide variety of perspectives on our field, so it is definitely worth to pay it a visit this or in one of the following

SASE conference (NYC)

Together with other CORPNET-colleagues, I participated in this year’s SASE conference in New York City. I presented a paper on the geopolitics of transnational state capital in a session on The State, Capitalism, and Industrial Policy. Make sure to apply for next year’s SASE taking place in Amsterdam.

Presentation Politicologenetmaal (Antwerp)

The yearly Politicologenetmaal, organized by the Dutch Political Science Association, took place in Antwerp on the 13th/14th of June. I presented my current paper project on the (geo)politics of transnational state capital in a lively and stimulating IPE-workshop organized by Nana de Graaff and Dirk de Bièvre. More information on the Etmaal can be found